Forced-air heating and cooling systems continuously circulate air through a home’s ducts and registers, quickly distributing pet dander, dust, mold spores, and other allergens throughout the structure. By contrast, radiant heating and cooling systems don’t circulate air at all, and thus don’t keep allergens airborne as long as forced-air systems. That means better indoor air quality – a particularly important consideration for adults and children with allergies, asthma, and other conditions that can be exacerbated by indoor pollution.
Radiant heated and cooled buildings maintain more natural humidity levels.
Studies have shown that that individuals who spend more time in air-conditioned environments have an increased use of health care services. An analysis found more visits for complaints related to ears-nose-and throat problems, respiratory and dermatological problems. Hydronic cooling does not create drafts or dry out the air unnaturally so is healthier.
Heat pumps do not emit fumes, furnaces and boilers burn fuel and emit fumes.
Where electricity is generated without greenhouse gases (like in Ontario) Heat pumps provide a solution to greenhouse gas emissions from heating and cooling buildings.